Best Martin Luther King Quotes on Civil Disobedience (2)

51 Best Martin Luther King Quotes on Civil Disobedience: The Power of Protest

One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws ―Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail, 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) Civil rights leader and clergyman was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and Nobel Peace Prize laureate….

Mahatma Gandhi's Quotes on Civil Disobedience: Inspiring Mahatma Gandhi's Quotes on Civil Disobedience: Inspiring Words for ChangeWords for Change

46 Mahatma Gandhi’s Quotes on Civil Disobedience: Inspiring Words for Change

Find out why Mahatma Gandhi’s quotes on civil disobedience still apply today and how they can inspire you to stand up for what you believe in! As a youth, Gandhi was fascinated by the writings of Henry David Thoreau, and this eventually led him to develop his own form of non-violent protest against British rule…

Henry David Thoreau on Civil Disobedience: 53 Quotes That Will Change the Way You Think

53 Henry David Thoreau Quotes on Civil Disobedience: That Will Change the Way You Think

Don’t Just Follow the Rules – Discover Why Civil Disobedience is Important with Henry David Thoreau Quotes That Will Make You Question Everything Henry David Thoreau was an American author, philosopher, and poet, born on July 12, 1817, in Concord, Massachusetts. He was best known for his 1854 book Walden, which detailed his experiences at…

Famous Quotes on Civil Disobedience That Will Inspire You to Stand Up For What's Right

Famous Quotes on Civil Disobedience That Will Inspire You to Stand Up For What’s Right

The most famous quotes on civil disobedience are by some of the most influential figures in history who took a stand for what they believed in, regardless of the consequences. If you read about the history of civil disobedience, you’ll find that it has been used by many famous people throughout the course of history…