I am kind to myself.

I am kind to myself.

I am kind to myself. Practice this positive affirmation daily. Being kind to oneself is treating oneself with empathy and understanding, as opposed to criticism or condemnation. This could entail taking care of one’s physical and mental well-being, as well as treating oneself with love and compassion when faced with difficulties or errors. It could…

I breathe deeply, exercise regularly and feed only good nutritious food to my body.

I Breathe Deeply

I breathe deeply, exercise regularly and feed only good nutritious food to my body. Practice this positive affirmation daily. The body needs a steady supply of good, healthy food and a healthy body to function properly. It’s important to keep your body healthy, so eat well and take care of yourself. This is not just…

Best Calligraphy Quotes

77 Beautiful Calligraphy Quotes to Inspire Your Writing

Calligraphy quotes are some of the most beautiful quotes in existence, whether they’re about writing, or about the importance of words. Calligraphy can be simply defined as the art of beautiful handwriting. It’s been around for centuries, and people still practice it today for all sorts of reasons, from traditional to artistic to religious and…